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Say what ? : les répliques cultes

EPISODES : 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 201 | 202



Hank: [to Jesus] Hey, big guy, you and me. We've never done this before but desperate times call for desperate measures. My name is Hank.
Hello, Hank.


Hank: [upon getting fellatio from a nun] Sweet baby Jesus, Hank is going to hell.


Hank: Yo K-Fed, the little man on the boat he's up here, that's where he is, right here.
[makes V symbol and dirty tongue motion towards top]


Hank: So, not only are you a cadaverous lay, you also have shitty taste in movies.


[Hank and Mia had a one-night stand]
Karen: This is Mia, Bill's daughter, and this is Hank. You two know each other?
Hank: No.
Mia: Well, I do recognize you.
Hank: No.
Mia: Yeah, sure I do.
Hank: No.
Mia: From your book. Your picture is on the back.


Hank: [to Meredith] Now you're giving me that look, right now, look like I fingerbanged your cat.


[about Hank]
Becca: Don't yell at him!
Karen: I'm not going to yell at him... much.


Hank: What?
Karen: You smell like pussy.
Hank: Thank you.


[to Karen]
Hank: Oh, I know that look. That's the look that shrivels me testes.


Hank: I was just trying to have a little chat with your husband up there.
Nun: Is there something I can help you with?
Hank: Oh no, I don't want to bother a real live person about it.


Becca: So, who won that round?
Hank: Oh, it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game.
Becca: Looks like a fun game.
Hank: You think I made her laugh?
Becca: Sure. A little. On the inside.


Becca: 'Yellow Submarine'?
Hank: 'Pirates'.
Becca: Again?
Hank: Johnny Depp is hot.


Karen: Well, Bill and I never touched each other till we were dead and buried.
Hank: Okay, are you trying to make me throw up now?


Becca: Father?
Hank: Daughter?
Becca: Can I ask you something?
Hank: Anything, my love.
Becca: Why is there a naked lady in your bedroom?
Hank: You stay right here.
Becca: There's no hair on her vagina. Do you think she's ok?
Hank: I'll check.


Becca: Père ?
Hank: Fille ?
Becca: Je peux te demander quelque chose ?
Hank: Tout ce que tu veux, ma puce.
Becca: Pourquoi il y a une femme nue dans ta salle de bain ?
Hank: Tu restes là.
Becca: Il n'y a pas de poil sur son vagin. Tu penses qu'elle va bien ?
Hank: Je vais vérifier.



Hank: What the fuck is that? / Qu'est-ce que c'est ça putain ?
Bill: Oh, you like it? I could have bought a car instead. / Oh, tu aimes ça ? Je pourrais acheter une voiture à la place.
Hank: I think you should still buy the car and then run over whoever created that turd. / Je pense que tu devrais toujours acheter la voiture et ensuite courrir après celui qui a créé ce truc.


Hank: Hell-A Magazine blog number 1. Hank hates you all. A few things I've learned on my travels through this crazy little thing called life. One, a morning of awkwardness is better than a night of loneliness. Two, I probably won't go down in history, but I will go down on your sister. And 3, while I'm down there it might be nice to see a hint of pubis. I'm not talking about a huge 70's Playboy bush or anything. Just something that reminds me that I'm performing cunnilingus on an adult. But I guess the larger question is why is the city of angels so hell bent on destroying it's female population.



Hank: You looking for a dick punch? / Tu regardes pour un coup sur la bite ?
Bill: Do you want to punch me in the dick? / Est-ce que tu veux me frapper sur la bite ?
Hank: I kinda do, yeah. But standing here talking about it is beginning to sound pretty gay. / Je pourrais le faire, ouais. Mais reste là à en parler ça commence à sonner légèrement gay.


Meredith: My baby. / Mon bébé.
Hank: You have a baby with the married guy? Holy fuck! / Tu as un bébé avec le type marié? Oh putain!
Meredith: No, my dog, Cat Stevens. / Non, mon chien, Cat Stevens.
Hank: You have a dog named Cat Stevens? Holy fuck! / Tu as un chien appelé Cat Stevens? Oh putain !


Hank: What the fuck do you want? / Qu'est-ce que tu veux putain ?
Mia: I'm late. / Je suis en retard.
Hank: What? That's not possible. I...I...I wore a condom. That's... that would be like...the immaculate conception. And you...you're the one who ... you...and then you left. / Quoi ? Ce n'est pas possible. J'...J'...J' ai utilisé un préservatif. ça pourrait... ça pourrait être comme...l'immaculée conception. Et toi...tu es l'élue qui ... qui...et ensuite tu pars.
Mia: I'm late for school! / Je suis en retard à l'école !


Hank: (Whispering to the dog) Hey, Cat Stevens. C'ome here, Cat. Come here. I'll take you away from all this. Cat...Yusuf Islam! (Dog turns towards Hank) Peace Train's a good song. Come here, Cat. Come here. / Hey, Cat Stevens. Viens ici, Cat. Viens ici. Je vais t'emmener loin de tout ça. Cat...Yusuf Islam! Peace Train est une bonne chanson. Viens ici, Cat. Viens ici.


Hank: To quote The Clash, should I stay or should I rock the casbah? / Pour citer The Clash, je dois rester ou je dois rocker le "casbah" ?



Becca: Do you remember what you used to do for me when I couldn't sleep? / Tu te souviens de ce que tu faisais quand je n'arrivais pas à dormir ?
Hank: Dose you with opiates? /  Je te droguais avec un somnifère ?
Becca: No. Look at the ocean and count mermaids. / Non. Regarde l'océan et compte les sirènes.
Hank: I did do that. I'm a better father than I thought. / Je faisais ça. Je suis un meilleur père que ce que je pensais.


Charlie(On the phone to Marcy) So how is Angelina's cookie? Really? Well, that's the advantage of adoption. /  Donc, comment sont les cookies d'Angelina ? Vraiment ? Bien, c'est un des avantages de l'adoption.


Meredith: Hank Moody, please say hello to my colleague Jonathan Mandel, and his lovely wife Nikki. / Hank Moody, s'il vous plaît, dîtes bonjour à mon collègue Jonathan Mandel, et sa charmante femme Nikki.
Nikki: Hank Moody, the writer? / Hank Moody, l'écrivain ?
Hank: I used to be, now I'm Hank Moody the blogger, soon to be Hank Moody the bartender. / J'en étais un, maintenant je suis Hank Moody le blogger, bientôt Hank Moody le barman.


Charlie : If anybody deserves to be disciplined it's me. 
[Looks at Hank
Charlie : That's not an invitation!



Hank: "B" to the "I" to the double "L". What's up, my nig nog? / "B" ensuite le "I" puis le double "L". Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
Bill: I need to talk to you. /  J'ai besoin de te parler.
Hank: Well, you should have called. I wouldn't have answered, but you could've left a message, which I would have quickly erased. / Benh, Tu aurais du appeler. Je n'aurais pas répondu, mais tu aurais pu laisser un message, que j'aurais rapidement effacé.


Hank: I love women. I have all their albums. / J'aime les femmes. J'ai tous leurs albums.


(After Marcy shoves her finger in Charlie's rear end)
Charlie: Whoa, what the fuck are you doing back there? / Whoa, qu'est-ce que tu est en train de foutre là derrière ?
Marcy: What, you don't like that? / Quoi, tu n'aimes pas ça ?
Charlie: No! I just...you can't just send probes in an unexplored territory without an advance warning, you know what I'm saying. / Non ! J'ai juste...tu ne peux pas juste dépasser les frontières d'un territoire inexploré sans des préventions préalable, tu sais ce dont je veux parler.


[to Meredith] 
Hank : Try not to forget all the times I brought you to fruition. 33 to be exact.


Marcy Runkle: You can have the ass if you want. 
Charlie Runkle: You can keep it.



Karen: What would you do if our little spawn actually became, like, a rock star? / Qu'est-ce que tu ferais si notre petite puce devenait, genre, une rock star ?
Hank: I would be really proud of her. / Je serais vraiment fière d'elle.
Karen: You would? / Ah oui ?
Hank: And I would be there to help pump her stomach when she OD'd. / Et je serais là si jamais il y a un soucis.


Hank: What is your name, by the way? / Quel est ton nom, au fait ?
Beach Girl: Wouldn't you rather just fuck me and never know? / Tu ne veux pas juste me baiser et ne jamais le savoir ?
Hank: Oh, fuck. Who says romance is dead?! / Oh, putain. Qui a dit que le romantisme était mort ?!


Beach Girl: Do you know anything about wine? / Est-ce que tu sais quelque chose à propos du vin ?
Hank: Wine is fine but whiskey is quicker. / Vin c'est bien mais Whisky c'est plus efficace.



Marcy(Discussing a threesome with Karen) I don't want to go where Hank has been! I mean, he probably left booby-traps up there like the Vietcong.


Hank(To Todd Carr) You got me all wrong. You see, I try to live in an ivory tower, but a tide of shit is constantly beating at its walls.
Karen: Don't be impressed. He stole that from Flaubert.


Hank(To Charlie) I know you Hebrews do things a little differently, but I checked a menage a trois was not a pitstop on the road to redemption.


Hank: What are you listening to there? A little falling asleep music? A little Joni Mitchell? Blood On The Tracks?
Becca: Death Cab For Cutie.
Hank: Wow, you really know how to hurt a guy.


Hank: Stay gold, Pony Boy.


Hank: So I'm told by the Fredo Corleone of agents.


Hank : Désolé les gars, mes testicules ne sont pas disponibles, même à temps partiel !



Trixie: So what are your thoughts of rehab?
Hank: Rehab is for quitters.


Hank: I love you.
Karen: Hank...
Hank: I didn't say it to hear it back.


Charlie: I'm sorry about your old man. You know, he was a good guy.
Hank: No he was not. He used to say you looked like a walking penis.
Charlie: Well, that's not very nice.


Hank: You can't snort a line of coke off a woman's ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams. It's not gentlemanly.


Le père de Hank :  Elle avait des lolos comme ca, des jambes longues comme un réveillon de noel et un cul tendu comme une arbalette ! 


Hank : Elle est morte , papa! 
Le père de Hank : Je sais mais, elle doit être en train de faire des saltos dans sa tombe à l’heure qu’il est. 


Hank : Et dis donc je ne sais même pas ton nom. 
Fille : Tu ne me l’as pas demandé... 
Fille : Trixie. 
Hank : Ultra classe ca comme prénom, ce serait idéal pour une pute !
Hank : C’est sexy les meufs qui ont une petite vessie !


Tod : Sauf votre respect monsieur, il est très fatiguant votre fils!
Père : Ne m’en parlez pas et encore vous n’avez pas eu à l’élever !


Hank : Il aura encore le gourdin sur son lit de mort.


Charlie : […] On est entre noirs civilisés. 


Hank : […] Il disait que tu avais une tête de pine !
Charlie : C’est pas sympa ça...


Becca : La zone est sécurisée ? 
Hank : J’en sais rien ma puce, mets quand même un casque...Tu pourrais prendre une balle perdue.



Hank: ... settle into a backbreaking piece of modern furniture, and curl up with your favorite author.
Karen: Alright, Martin Amis, or a Virginia Woolf or a Charles Bukowski.
Hank: Imposters, all.


Becca: Father?
Hank: Offspring?
Becca: That was a nice guitar.
Hank: Yes. Sometimes, it's best not to get involved in the affairs of others.
Becca: That's interesting, coming from the most intrusive man I know.



Mia: Are you finished yet?
Dani: Hold on.
Mia: Ugh. It's just a novella. Are you one of those people who move their lips when they read? Because that can really slow you down.


Hank: What about the Marce? You gotta miss the Marce. I know you miss the Marce, right? That sexy, little smurf was good to you.
Charlie: That sexy, little smurf cheated on me with my assistant.
Hank: Yes, but you cheated on her with your assistant. First, I might add.


Hank(To Charlie) Hey, Butterbean.


Hank: I've already given that girl enough of my precious bodily fluids.



Hank: I'm sorry.
Karen: About what? You won.
Hank: Not when you're this upset. I didn't win a goddamn thing. I hate seeing you this sad. Ever. Except, maybe after sex with Bill. There's a smile. A small smile, but a smile nonetheless. I'll take it.


Hank: You are a very young soziopath in training.
Mia: Oh, come on. That's like satan calling one of his junior minions a big meanie.


Mia : Je crois que pour enlever cette robe je vais avoir besoin d’aide.
Hank (en faisant demi-tour) Il n’en resta plus qu’une ...


Charlie : Et toutes ces assistantes que je n’ai pas baisées, ça ne compte pas ?
Hank :On a aucune reconnaissance des culs qu’on ne lèche pas.


Standartiste : Vous êtes ?
Hank : Sur le point d’entrer.



Hank(To Karen) You know, I'm sorry I never gave you a day like today. I don't know what I was so afraid of... so negative. Because I look around and... I think it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen... beside from you. / Tu sais, je suis désolé de ne jamais t'avoir donné un jour comme aujourd'hui. Je ne sais pas si j'étais effrayé... ou trop négatif. Parce que je regarde autour et... Je pense que c'est la plus belle chose que j'ai jamais vue.... à part toi.


Becca: Dad?
Hank: Yeah.
Becca: It happened.
Hank: What happened?
Becca: It.
Hank: It what?
Becca: The it.
Hank: Oh, it. Shit.


Karen: Jesus Christ, Hank. Fuck! It wasn't supposed to be like this. I mean, I wasn't supposed to be married to some other guy, and you weren't supposed to flush your fucking career down the toilet, and Becca wasn't supposed to start her period and some strange woman show her to use the tampon for the first time. /  Jesus Christ, Hank. Putain! Ce n'était pas supposé être comme ça. Je veux dire, je n'étais pas supposée épouser un autre type, et tu n'étais pas censé jeter ta carrière dans les chiottes, et Becca n'était pas supposée avoir ses règles et que c'est une femme étrange qui lui a montré comment mettre un tampon la prmeière fois.
Hank: All those things that weren't supposed to happen... they happened. What happens next is up to you. / Toutes ces choses étaient supposées arriver... Elles arrivent. Ce qui arrive après ne tient qu'à toi.



Karen: Why are you smiling like that? / Pourquoi tu souris comme ça ?
Hank: How am I smiling? / Comment je souris ?
Karen: Like a retard. / Comme un attardé.


Becca: She called.
Karen: She who?
Becca: That real estate whore. She's bringing some people by.
Karen: Language, young lady.
Becca: Next time she tells me to clean my room, I'm gonna say, "Clean this, lady" and give her a titty twister.
Hank: As much as I'd like to see that, the idea is to sell this place and get out of dodge. If you tidied up your shrine to Norwegian death metal, it might facilitate things a bit.



(Hank is in the prison and talks with her daughter over the phone in prison guest facility. Karen sits next to Rebecca and tries to ignore Hank.)

Rebecca: I'll work on her.
Hank: (silently) Okay.
Rebecca: In the meantime, don't bend over for the soap.


Merci à babou31, Bzzbzz et elyxir. N'hésites pas à rajouter tes répliques préférées !

Ecrit par elyxir 
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