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Episode 105

Alcohol Poisoning
A condition in which a toxic amount of alcohol (ethanol, ethyl alcohol) has been drunk, usually in a short period of time. The toxicity is related to the blood level of the alcohol.
[*condition dans laquelle une quantité d'alcool (éthanol, alcool éthylique) a été bue, habituellement dans un court laps de teps. La toxicité est relative à la concentration d'alcool relevée dans le sang.]

Phosphorous Acid
A deliquescent crystalline acid H3PO3 used especially as a reducing agent and in making phosphites.
[*acide cristallin utilisé surtout comme agent réducteur et à fabriquer des phosphites.]

Organ Failure
The failure of an essential system in the body. Multiple organ failure is the failure of two or more systems, such as the cardiovascular and renal systems, and is a common consequence of sepsis (the presence of bacteria in the blood) and of shock (very low blood pressure).
[*Défaillance d'un système physique essentiel. La septicémie (présence de bactéries dans le sang) ou un choc (pression artérielle très basse) sont la conséquence fréquente de la défaillance de plusieurs organes, tels que les systèmes cardiovasculaire ou rénal.]

Purified Protein Derivative
[*Dérivé de protéines purifiées.]

Alcohol, ETOH intake history is often recorded as part of a patient history.
[*Alcool, Ethanol, dont les fréquences d'absorption sont enregistrées dans le cadre du traitement des patients.]

Cyanide Poisoning
Poisoning with cyanide, a rapidly acting, potentially deadly chemical that can exist as a colorless gas, such as hydrogen cyanide (HCN) or cyanogen chloride (CNCl), or a crystal form such as sodium cyanide (NaCN) or potassium cyanide (KCN).
[*Empoisonnement au cyanure, produit chimique potentiellement mortel. Le cyanure peut exister à l'état de gaz incolore, comme le cyanure d'hydrogène (HCN) ou le chlorure de cyanogène (CNCL) ou une forme cristalline comme le cyanure de sodium (NaCN) ou le cyanure de potassium (KCN).]

Sodium Thiosulfate
A hygroscopic crystalline salt Na2O3S2 that is used as a fixing agent in photography, as a reducing and bleaching agent, in chemical analysis for the titration of iodine, and in medicine as an antidote in poisoning especially by cyanides and as an antifungal agent -- called also hypo, sodium hyposulfite.Amyl NitriteA pale yellow pungent flammable liquid ester C5H11NO2 of commercial amyl alcohol and nitrous acid that is used chiefly in medicine as a vasodilator, especially in treating angina pectoris, and used illicitly as an aphrodisiac.

Relatively slow heart action, whether physiological or pathological.

Abnormally high arterial blood pressure that is usually indicated by an adult systolic blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or greater or a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or greater, is chiefly of unknown cause but may be attributable to a pre-existing condition (such as a renal or endocrine disorder), that typically results in a thickening and inelasticity of arterial walls and hypertrophy of the left heart ventricle, and that is a risk factor for various pathological conditions or events (such as heart attack, heart failure, stroke, end-stage renal disease, or retinal hemorrhage).

Epidural Hematoma
A hematoma between the cranium (skull) and the brain's tissue-like covering, which is known as the dura. Epidural hematoma is usually caused by a full-on blow to the head, and is often associated with a skull fracture. Diagnosis is usually by CAT scan. Treatment is by trepanation: drilling through the skull to drain the excess blood.

Ecrit par mamynicky 
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